The Original Plan / Product

Devlog- I originally intended this game to be a lot larger than it is. It was supposed to be a sandbox level, where I would program and test new movement mechanics for a later project. I planned on replacing the default model with a more stylized character that I made. There was originally a fully custom-made main menu for the game. Due to time constraints and technical issues, I however ended up being very different from what I envisioned.
The difficulties came from trying to balance development with my education, I was constantly wrestling with time. Various classes demanded more of my time, and even when I had time I struggled with trying to implement my ideas into the Unreal Engine. I looked up tutorials and asked for help, yet they did not work or were too buggy to be useful. It was still fun running around the world, but that was the only thing I had to say about the game. I then turned to making the game as atmospheric as I could instead. To test my skills in making a relaxing experience in an extremely short time. I did learn how to implement more complex sound cues for the environment, to create an atmospheric setting for the player. In the end, it was an incredibly helpful learning experience.
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